Tom MacWright



Cuyahoga Falls in Ohio

  • Spring Breakers was incredible and as a result I got Everytime stuck in my head for a few days.
  • Attempted to watch Frogs, but only got halfway there. Worst film so far.
  • Watched both the first and second Hunger Games movies in the span of two days.


literate-raytracer ported to go


I ran the Run for the Parks 10k again and improved my time from 2012 by 30 seconds.

Jue and Derek held thxgoat, a wonderful friendsgiving celebration that included a goat roast in a reused porcelain bathtub.


I finally finished building my Bleep Drum. I soldered a capacitor in on the wrong side, extracted it, and then soldered it in on the wrong side again. The final product includes some creative rewiring.

I’ve been tinkering with mapschool, a non-textbook for geographic concepts. The MapBox.js JS docs attempt to handle the more technical side. I’m gearing up to teach an intersession class at Millbrook School, where my sister leads the art department.