Tom MacWright

SaaS exits

I’ve been moving things for Placemark’s shutdown as a company and noting some of the exit experiences:

  • Loom is surprisingly hard to exit from. There’s no bulk export option, no way to export metadata.
  • Webflow doesn’t support exporting sites with CMS collections (blogs, docs, etc). It supports exporting the CMS content, and the templates, but not the two together.
  • Earth Class Mail has a pretty respectable offboarding flow that does a good job warning you of the ramifications of closing the virtual address.
  • Legalinc’s service to close down the LLC was fast and cost about $600. Maybe there are cheaper options, but I’m satisfied with the speed & ease of use.
  • Northwest registered agent was also super clear and easy to close down. I had a great experience with them from start to finish.